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"Well, I think us Orthodox can help ALL OF YOU - actually and with certainty - know what is ancient, catholic, apostolic and THE TRUE CHURCH.

The Church cannot be 'reformed,' 'restored,' 'reconstituted,' or 'reestablished.' The Church has never 'gone off the rails,' committed apostasy or died. There is no 'invisable church' just the reality that the Church 'IS' because Christ breathed it into existance. Christ has never 'thrown the baby out with the bathwater' so why do you?

Let's be clear theologically and reject emotionality and all former sentiment: The Church did not cease at one point and a self-inspired pope or a self-inspired Protestant or self-inspired syncritistic false prophets (Mormonism, Islam) 're-formed' or 'corrected' it as if the Holy Spirit was impotent and incapable of keeping her intact and forever the True Church Christ-God, Himself, founded.

The truth is that Christ established a True Church even if we sinners are involved. God is pure holiness and the lover of mankind so sin and death cannot be His equal or overcome or even come near Him. So why would anyone ever think they could do away with sin and death by doing away with the Church? Well, delusion, being what it is, thinks it can do away with the True Church. Yet the fact remains for all eternity: The Resurrection of Christ is reality and His Resurrection has implications and consequences in reality - Judas was the first apostate of the Church . . . and because of his betrayal did the Church curl-up in the foetal position and just die? NO! SIN AND DEATH DO NOT HAVE THE LAST WORD!

No matter how hard or philosophical one may wax perfection and utopia are not found in delusion but perfection in Christian truth is found in the humility of repentance in His Holy Church. Repentance is the Christian's only problem NOT 'if and when' the Church 'died' or was 'reconstituted' or 'revisioned' . . . as modern entertainment so-called 'Evangelicals' or cults (i.e., Jehovah's Witnesses, Moonies, Black Israelites, etc.) trend to propagandize.

Furthermore, THE CHURCH did not become 'Constantine's church' because he subverted it with money and power . . . how sick can an IMAGINATION get. Well, say no more because I know from Orthodox Christian history how depraved a person, say, of the Ecumenical Throne - or any cleric or lay person - can get . . . but in all this personal drama is Christ overcome? Is Christ overcome by Mohammad or Nero or an abortionist or Joseph Smith or a sexual predator of children or Mao or the devil? NO!

THE Chruch is on a Theosis Pilgrimage but this Muslim/Mormon concept of those after the Holy Apostles departing from the God-intended Faith is untenable, unfactual and a sin against the Holy Spirit. John Calvin became a heretic. Martin Luther became a heretic. What they and other Roman's taught is NOT apostolic Christianity but their heretical "self-styled pope" opinion and after them their offspring are as Legion.

You can postulate day-In and day-out all you want about what you think or feel . . . but Holy Orthodox Christianity is the truth! I repeat again and again this adage:

The Protestants subtracted;

the Romans added

BUT the Orthodox Christians JUST STAYED THE SAME!

After my youthful experiences in the Episcopal church and the Roman church's seminary I have 'found the True Faith' entirely in the Holy Orthodox Church and only in the Orthodox Church in fullness and to overflowing!

Objectivly, historically, theologically and ecclesiologically the Orthodox Church contains in humble completness the entire revelation that Jesus Christ intended for humanity. In truth, the Holy Spirit maintains intect His Orthodox Faith in this same Orthodox 'Right Believing' Church to the glory of God the Father!

All Holy Trinity glory to Thee!"

An Expanded Word to a Roman, a Muslim and a Mormon; Hieromonk Joshua +


Facebook: Joshua Anna

